rzk-0.7.5: An experimental proof assistant for synthetic ∞-categories
Safe HaskellNone



The formatter is designed in a way that can be consumed both by the CLI and the LSP server.



data FormattingEdit Source #

All indices are 1-based (as received from the lexer) Note: LSP uses 0-based indices

format :: String -> String Source #

Format Rzk code, returning the formatted version.

formatFile :: FilePath -> IO String Source #

Format Rzk code from a file

formatFileWrite :: FilePath -> IO () Source #

Format the file and write the result back to the file.

isWellFormatted :: String -> Bool Source #

Check if the given Rzk source code is well formatted. This is useful for automation tasks.

isWellFormattedFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool Source #

Same as isWellFormatted, but reads the source code from a file.