lsp- Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol
Safe HaskellNone




logToShowMessage :: forall c (m :: Type -> Type). MonadLsp c m => LogAction m (WithSeverity Text) Source #

Logs messages to the client via window/showMessage.

logToLogMessage :: forall c (m :: Type -> Type). MonadLsp c m => LogAction m (WithSeverity Text) Source #

Logs messages to the client via window/logMessage.

defaultClientLogger :: forall c (m :: Type -> Type). MonadLsp c m => LogAction m (WithSeverity Text) Source #

A sensible log action for logging messages to the client:

  • Shows Error logs to the user via window/showMessage
  • Logs Info and above logs in the client via window/logMessage

If you want finer control (e.g. the ability to log Debug logs based on a flag, or similar), then do not use this and write your own based on logToShowMessage and logToLogMessage.