-- File created: 2008-10-10 13:37:42

-- | A library for globbing: matching patterns against file paths akin to the

-- POSIX @glob()@ function.


-- Pattern syntax is documented by 'compile'. To toggle features at compile

-- time, look into 'CompOptions'. To modify matching behaviour, look into

-- 'MatchOptions'.


-- Basic usage examples:


-- Matching a 'String' pattern against a 'FilePath':


-- @

-- 'match' ('compile' pattern) filepath

-- @


-- Matching a 'String' pattern against all paths in the current working

-- directory:


-- @

-- 'glob' pattern

-- @


-- Matching a 'String' pattern against all paths in a given directory (a

-- 'FilePath'):


-- @

-- 'globDir1' ('compile' pattern) directorypath

-- @


-- Matching a list of 'String' patterns against all paths in a given directory,

-- returning the matches for each pattern as well as the paths not matched by

-- any of the patterns:


-- @

-- 'globDir' (map 'compile' patterns) directorypath

-- @

module System.FilePath.Glob
   ( -- * Data type

     -- * Functions

     -- ** Compilation

   , compile, decompile, simplify
     -- *** Options

   , CompOptions(..)
   , compileWith, tryCompileWith
     -- **** Predefined option sets

   , compDefault, compPosix
     -- ** Matching

   , match
   , globDir, globDir1, glob
     -- *** Options

   , MatchOptions(..)
   , matchWith
   , GlobOptions(..)
   , globDirWith
     -- **** Predefined option sets

   , matchDefault, matchPosix
   , globDefault
     -- ** Miscellaneous

   , commonDirectory
   , isLiteral
   ) where

import System.FilePath.Glob.Base      ( Pattern
                                      , CompOptions(..), MatchOptions(..)
                                      , compDefault, compPosix
                                      , matchDefault, matchPosix
                                      , compile, compileWith, tryCompileWith
                                      , decompile
                                      , isLiteral
import System.FilePath.Glob.Directory ( GlobOptions(..), globDefault
                                      , globDir, globDirWith, globDir1, glob
                                      , commonDirectory
import System.FilePath.Glob.Match     (match, matchWith)
import System.FilePath.Glob.Simplify  (simplify)