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Cocartesian families

These formalizations capture cocartesian families as treated in BW23.

The goal, for now, is not to give a general structural account as in the paper but rather to provide the definitions and results that are necessary to prove the cocartesian Yoneda Lemma.

This is a literate rzk file:

#lang rzk-1


  • hott/* - We require various prerequisites from homotopy type theory, for instance the axiom of function extensionality.
  • — We rely on definitions of simplicies and their subshapes.
  • — We use the fubini theorem and extension extensionality.
  • - We make heavy use of the notion of Segal types
  • We use Rezk types.

(Iso-)Inner families

This is a (tentative and redundant) definition of (iso-)inner families. In the future, hopefully, these can be replaced by instances of orthogonal and LARI families.

#def is-inner-family
  ( B : U)
  ( P : B → U)
  : U
    ( product (is-segal B) (is-segal (Σ (b : B) , P b)))
    ( ( b : B) → (is-segal (P b)))

#def is-isoinner-family
  ( B : U)
  ( P : B → U)
  : U
    ( product (is-rezk B) (is-rezk (Σ (b : B) , P b)))
    ( ( b : B) → (is-rezk (P b)))

Cocartesian arrows

Here we define the proposition that a dependent arrow in a family is cocartesian. This is an alternative version using unpacked extension types, as this is preferred for usage.

BW23, Definition 5.1.1
#def is-cocartesian-arrow
  ( B : U)
  ( b b' : B)
  ( u : hom B b b')
  ( P : B → U)
  ( e : P b)
  ( e' : P b')
  ( f : dhom B b b' u P e e')
  : U
    ( b'' : B) → (v : hom B b' b'') → (w : hom B b b'')
( sigma : hom2 B b b' b'' u v w) → (e'' : P b'')
( h : dhom B b b'' w P e e'')
    → is-contr
        ( Σ ( g : dhom B b' b'' v P e' e'')
        , ( dhom2 B b b' b'' u v w sigma P e e' e'' f g h))

Cocartesian lifts

The following is the type of cocartesian lifts of a fixed arrow in the base with a given starting point in the fiber.

BW23, Definition 5.1.2
#def cocartesian-lift
  ( B : U)
  ( b b' : B)
  ( u : hom B b b')
  ( P : B → U)
  ( e : P b)
  : U
    Σ ( e' : P b')
    , Σ ( f : dhom B b b' u P e e') , is-cocartesian-arrow B b b' u P e e' f

Cocartesian family

A family over cocartesian if it is isoinner and any arrow in the has a cocartesian lift, given a point in the fiber over the domain.

BW23, Definition 5.2.1
#def has-cocartesian-lifts
  ( B : U)
  ( P : B → U)
  : U
    ( b : B) → (b' : B) → (u : hom B b b')
( e : P b) → (Σ (e' : P b')
      , ( Σ ( f : dhom B b b' u P e e') , is-cocartesian-arrow B b b' u P e e' f))
BW23, Definition 5.2.2
#def is-cocartesian-family
  ( B : U)
  ( P : B → U)
  : U
  := product (is-isoinner-family B P) (has-cocartesian-lifts B P)