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Tope layer

All topes live in TOPE universe.

Here are all the ways to build a tope:

  1. Introduce a variable, e.g. (psi : TOPE) -> ...;

    • Usually, topes depend on point variables from some cube(s). To indicate that, we usually introduce topes as "functions" from some cube to TOPE. For example, (psi : I -> TOPE) -> ....
  2. Use a constant:

    • top tope \(\top\) is written TOP
    • bottom tope \(\bot\) is written BOT
  3. Usa a tope connective:

    • tope conjunction \(\psi \land \phi\) is written psi /\ phi
    • tope disjunction \(\psi \lor \phi\) is written psi \/ phi
    • equality tope \(t \equiv s\) is written t === s, whenever t and s are points of the same cube
    • inequality tope \(t \leq s\) is written t <= s whenever t : 2 and s : 2