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rzk is an experimental proof assistant for synthetic ∞-categories. rzk-1 is an early version of the language supported by rzk. The language is based on Riehl and Shulman's «Type Theory for Synthetic ∞-categories»1. In this section, we introduce syntax, discuss features and some of the current limitations of the proof assistant.

Overall, a program in rzk-1 consists of a language pragma (specifying that we use rzk-1 and not one of the other languages2) followed by a sequence of commands. For now, we will only use #define command.

Here is a small formalisation in an MLTT subset of rzk-1:

#lang rzk-1
-- Flipping the arguments of a function.
#define flip
    (A B : U)                         -- For any types A and B
    (C : (x : A) -> (y : B) -> U)     -- and a type family C
    (f : (x : A) -> (y : B) -> C x y) -- given a function f : A -> B -> C
  : (y : B) -> (x : A) -> C x y       -- we construct a function of type B -> A -> C
  := \y x -> f x y    -- by swapping the arguments

-- Flipping a function twice is the same as not doing anything
#define flip-flip-is-id
    (A B : U)                         -- For any types A and B
    (C : (x : A) -> (y : B) -> U)     -- and a type family C
    (f : (x : A) -> (y : B) -> C x y) -- given a function f : A -> B -> C
  : f = flip B A (\y x -> C x y)
          (flip A B C f)              -- flipping f twice is the same as f
  := refl                             -- proof by reflexivity

Let us explain parts of this code:

  1. #lang rzk-1 specifies that we are in using rzk-1 language;
  2. -- starts a comment line (until the end of the line);
  3. #define «name» : «type» := «term» defines a name «name» to be equal to «term»; the proof assistant will typecheck «term» against type «type»;
  4. We define two terms here — flip and flip-flip-is-id;
  5. flip is a function that takes 4 arguments and returns a function of two arguments.
  6. flip-flip-is-id is a function that takes two types, a type family, and a function f and returns a value of an identity type flip ... (flip ... f) = f, indicating that flipping a function f twice gets us back to f.

Similarly to the three layers in Riehl and Shulman's type theory, rzk-1 has 3 universes:

  • CUBE is the universe of cubes, corresponding to the cube layer;
  • TOPE is the universe of topes, corresponding to the tope layer;
  • U is the universe of types, corresponding to the types and terms layer.

These are explained in the following sections.


rzk-1 assumes "type-in-type", that is U has type U. This is known to make the type system unsound (due to Russell and Curry-style paradoxes), however, it is sometimes considered acceptable in proof assistants. And, since it simplifies implementation, rzk-1 embraces this assumption, at least for now.

Moreover, rzk-1 does not prevent cubes or topes to depend on types and terms. For example, the following definition typechecks:

#define weird
    (A : U)
    (I : A -> CUBE)
    (x y : A)
  : CUBE
  := I x * I y

This likely leads to another inconsistency, but it will probably not lead to bugs in actual proofs of interest, so current version embraces this lax treatment of universes.

  1. Emily Riehl & Michael Shulman. A type theory for synthetic ∞-categories. Higher Structures 1(1), 147-224. 2017. 

  2. In version v0.1.0, rzk has supported simply typed lambda calculus, PCF, and MLTT. However, those languages have been removed.