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Tope disjuction elimination along identity paths

\(\mathsf{rec}_{\lor}^{\psi,\phi}(a_\psi, a_\phi)\) (written recOR(psi, phi, a_psi, a_phi) in the code) is well-typed when \(a_\psi\) and \(a_\phi\) are definitionally equal on \(\psi \land \phi\). Sometimes this is too strong since many terms are not definitionally equal, but only equal up to a path. Luckily, assuming relative function extensionality, we can define a weaker version of \(rec_{\lor}\) (recOR), which we call recId, that can work in presence of a witness of type \(\prod_{t : I \mid \psi \land \phi} a_\psi = a_\phi\).


We begin by introducing common HoTT definitions:

#lang rzk-1
-- A is contractible there exists x : A such that for any y : A we have x = y.
#define iscontr (A : U) : U
  :=  (a : A), (x : A) -> a =_{A} x

-- A is a proposition if for any x, y : A we have x = y
#define isaprop (A : U) : U
  := (x : A) -> (y : A) -> x =_{A} y

-- A is a set if for any x, y : A the type x =_{A} y is a proposition
#define isaset (A : U) : U
  := (x : A) -> (y : A) -> isaprop (x =_{A} y)

-- Non-dependent product of A and B
#define prod (A : U) (B : U) : U
  :=  (x : A), B

-- A function f : A -> B is an equivalence
-- if there exists g : B -> A
-- such that for all x : A we have g (f x) = x
-- and for all y : B we have f (g y) = y
#define isweq (A : U) (B : U) (f : A -> B) : U
  :=  (g : B -> A), prod ((x : A) -> g (f x) =_{A} x) ((y : B) -> f (g y) =_{B} y)

-- Equivalence of types A and B
#define weq (A : U) (B : U) : U
  :=  (f : A -> B), isweq A B f

-- Transport along a path
#define transport
    (A : U)
    (C : A -> U)
    (x y : A)
    (p : x =_{A} y)
    : C x -> C y
  := \cx -> idJ(A, x, (\z q -> C z), cx, y, p)

Relative function extensionality

We can now define relative function extensionality. There are several formulations, we provide two, following Riehl and Shulman:

-- [RS17, Axiom 4.6] Relative function extensionality.
#define relfunext : U
  := (I : CUBE)
  -> (psi : I -> TOPE)
  -> (phi : psi -> TOPE)
  -> (A : psi -> U)
  -> ((t : psi) -> iscontr (A t))
  -> (a : (t : phi) -> A t)
  -> (t : psi) -> A t [ phi t |-> a t]

-- [RS17, Proposition 4.8] A (weaker) formulation of function extensionality.
#define relfunext2 : U
  := (I : CUBE)
  -> (psi : I -> TOPE)
  -> (phi : psi -> TOPE)
  -> (A : psi -> U)
  -> (a : (t : phi) -> A t)
  -> (f : (t : psi) -> A t [ phi t |-> a t ])
  -> (g : (t : psi) -> A t [ phi t |-> a t ])
  -> weq (f = g)
         ((t : psi) -> (f t =_{A t} g t) [ phi t |-> refl ])

Construction of recId

The idea is straightforward. We ask for a proof that a = b for all points in psi /\ phi. Then, by relative function extensionality (relfunext2), we can show that restrictions of a and b to psi /\ phi are equal. If we reformulate a as extension of its restriction, then we can transport such reformulation along the path connecting two restrictions and apply recOR.

First, we define how to restrict an extension type to a subshape:

#section construction-of-recId

#variable r : relfunext2
#variable I : CUBE
#variables psi phi : I -> TOPE
#variable A : {t : I | psi t \/ phi t} -> U

-- Restrict extension type to a subshape.
#define restrict_phi
    (a : {t : I | phi t} -> A t)
  : {t : I | psi t /\ phi t} -> A t
  := \t -> a t

-- Restrict extension type to a subshape.
#define restrict_psi
    (a : {t : I | psi t} -> A t)
  : {t : I | psi t /\ phi t} -> A t
  := \t -> a t

Then, how to reformulate an a (or b) as an extension of its restriction:

-- Reformulate extension type as an extension of a restriction.
#define ext-of-restrict_psi
    (a : {t : I | psi t} -> A t)
  : (t : psi) -> A t [ psi t /\ phi t |-> restrict_psi a t ]
  := a  -- type is coerced automatically here

-- Reformulate extension type as an extension of a restriction.
#define ext-of-restrict_phi
    (a : {t : I | phi t} -> A t)
  : (t : phi) -> A t [ psi t /\ phi t |-> restrict_phi a t ]
  := a  -- type is coerced automatically here

Now, assuming relative function extensionality, we construct a path between restrictions:

-- Transform extension of an identity into an identity of restrictions.
#define restricts-path
    (a_psi : (t : psi) -> A t)
    (a_phi : (t : phi) -> A t)
    (e : {t : I | psi t /\ phi t} -> a_psi t = a_phi t)
  : restrict_psi a_psi = restrict_phi a_phi
  := (first (second (r I
      (\t -> psi t /\ phi t)
      (\t -> BOT)
      (\t -> A t)
      (\t -> recBOT)
      (\t -> a_psi t)
      (\t -> a_phi t)))) e

Finally, we bring everything together into recId:

-- A weaker version of recOR, demanding only a path between a and b:
-- recOR(psi, phi, a, b) demands that for psi /\ phi we have a == b (definitionally)
-- (recId psi phi a b e) demands that e is the proof that a = b (intensionally) for psi /\ phi
#define recId uses (r) -- we declare that recId is using r on purpose
    (a_psi : (t : psi) -> A t)
    (a_phi : (t : phi) -> A t)
    (e : {t : I | psi t /\ phi t} -> a_psi t = a_phi t)
  : {t : I | psi t \/ phi t} -> A t
  := \t -> recOR(
        psi t |-> transport
          ({s : I | psi s /\ phi s} -> A s)
          (\ra -> (s : psi) -> A s [ psi s /\ phi s |-> ra s ])
          (restrict_psi a_psi)
          (restrict_phi a_phi)
          (restricts-path a_psi a_phi e)
          (ext-of-restrict_psi a_psi)
        phi t |-> ext-of-restrict_phi a_phi t

#end construction-of-recId

Gluing extension types

An application of of recId is gluing together extension types, whenever we can show that they are equal on the intersection of shapes:

-- If two extension types are equal along two subshapes,
-- then they are also equal along their union.
#define id-along-border
    (r : relfunext2)
    (I : CUBE)
    (psi : I -> TOPE)
    (phi : I -> TOPE)
    (A : {t : I | psi t \/ phi t} -> U)
    (a b : {t : I | psi t \/ phi t} -> A t)
    (e_psi : (t : psi) -> a t = b t)
    (e_phi : (t : phi) -> a t = b t)
    (border-is-a-set : {t : I | psi t /\ phi t} -> isaset (A t))
  : {t : I | psi t \/ phi t} -> a t = b t
  := recId r I psi phi
        (\t -> a t = b t)
        e_psi e_phi
        (\t -> border-is-a-set t (a t) (b t) (e_psi t) (e_phi t))