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How to install Rzk

These instructions will walk you through setting up Rzk using the "basic" setup and VS Code as the editor.

  1. Install VS Code.
  2. Launch VS Code and install the rzk extension.
  3. Create a new file using "File > New Text File" (Ctrl+N). Click the Select a language prompt, type in rzk, and select "Literate Rzk Markdown". VS Code rzk language selector.
  4. You should see the following popup: VS Code rzk install prompt.
  5. Click "Yes" button.
  6. While it is installing, you can paste the following literate Rzk program into the new file:

    # Sample literate Rzk markdown
    #lang rzk-1
    #define id (A : U)
      : A -> A
      := \ x -> x
  7. When the installation is done you should see the following popup: VS Code rzk reload prompt.

  8. Click "Reload button".
  9. Save your file as
  10. Open local Terminal (Ctrl+`).

  11. In the terminal, run

    rzk typecheck
  12. You should see the output of the proof assistant:

    Loading file
    Checking module from
    [ 1 out of 1 ] Checking #define id
    Everything is ok!
  13. Congratulations! Now you have a working rzk setup :) Note that the rzk extension will notify you about updates of rzk and prompt updating to new versions.

  14. See Quickstart to get familiar with the Rzk language!

Install binaries

Download from GitHub

You can download and use binaries (at least for some platforms) directly for one of the latest releases on GitHub at If your platform is not represented, please consider leaving an issue at

Install from sources

You can install rzk from sources. You can get the latest "stable" release from Hackage or build from the develop branch on GitHub.


To build and install with Stack from Hackage:

stack install rzk

To build and install with Stack from sources on GitHub:

git clone
cd rzk
git checkout develop
stack build && stack install


To build and install with cabal-install from Hackage:

cabal v2-install rzk

To build and install with cabal-install from sources on GitHub:

git clone
cd rzk
git checkout develop
cabal v2-build && cabal v2-install



To be done.